Aug 302011

iMedia set out to find examples of marketers who embody the traits of success — inside and out — in the digital age. We determined that intelligence, creativity, open mindedness, and perseverance are the qualities that make for a truly “hot” marketer. Not surprisingly, in our quest for the hottest digital marketers, we found a lot of folks who boast all of the aforementioned characteristics. It was a tough decision, but we’ve put together a list of 10 individuals based on their professional accomplishments as well as their individual sense of style and confidence.

via iMedia’s Top 10 Hottest Digital Marketers (single page view) –

Aug 302011



HP cut the price of the TouchPad from $500 to $99 earlier this month, after announcing it was pulling the plug on the product. Since then, the item has been hard to find, as customers rushed to get their hands on the discounted tablet.

The new demand prompted Mark Budgell, HP’s PR Manager for Social Media Strategy, to address the issue in a blog post Monday. Budgell said he had no information about whether more TouchPads will become available. “We will have more information available in the next few days about whether or not more will be available and if so, what the details will be about the situation,” he wrote.

via HP’s TouchPad May Have a Second Life.

Aug 302011



We don’t know if Transcend is dabbling in voodoo these days or what’s going, but somehow the company figured out a way to cram 2TB of storage into a container that’s about the length of a USB thumb drive and only slightly thicker than a penny. Some of the credit also goes to Taiwan’s Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), which co-developed the ‘Thin Card’ device.

via Maximum PC | Transcend Shoehorns 2TB of Storage Capacity into USB 3.0 Thumbstick.

Aug 302011



Responsive design is no longer just something you’ll find on the portfolio websites of the designers and developers who pioneered the idea. These days using media queries to adapt to varying screen sizes is well on its way to being a mainstream design goal.

Head over to a responsive design showcase like Media Queries and you’ll find plenty of “real world” websites — like Opera or Arizona State University — using media queries to build responsive websites.

via Build Faster Mobile Websites with ‘Adaptive Images’ | Webmonkey |

Aug 262011



Verizon is now selling Intuit’s GoPayment credit card reader for free at its retail stores.

Thanks to a new partnership between Verizon Wireless and Intuit, business customers can get the mobile card reader for free after a $30 rebate and the activation of a GoPayment account. The card reader and its app can be found at all of Verizon’s retail stores and as well as its business-to-business outlets.

via Verizon offering Intuit’s GoPayment reader for free | Digital Media – CNET News.

Aug 262011



Researchers at UW-Madison have been working on an energy harvester that they say can deliver watts of power. And not just one or two watts, but up to 10 or 20. This is a huge amount of power to get from a “free” energy harvester; we’re talking thousands of times more powerful than the current generation of pizeoelectrics. An iPhone, for example, typically consumes under five watts. This means that 10 watts could power two iPhones, and 20 watts could power four of them! Four iPhones! Imagine the possibilities!

via Liquid metal shoes harvest massive amounts of power | DVICE.

Aug 262011



The Phantom v1610 has the ability to shoot up to 1 million frames per second, a speed so high that it allows the camera to create videos of real world slow motion events that are so otherworldly they appear dream-like. Additionally, the camera can capture HD footage at 16,000 frames per second and boasts a whopping 96 gigabytes of internal memory.

via Fastest camera in the world shoots one million frames per second | DVICE.

Aug 262011

Voluntary payments are picking up pace on the web. Linus Olsson, the co-founder of social micropayments system Flattr, draws on the lessons the team has learned from their users and explains how you can be funded by your fans, too

via Crowdfunding: get paid for free stuff | Feature | .net magazine.

Aug 262011

Earlier this month, Business Insider published an article that further exposed the dirty little secret of online advertising: Brands are paying for ads that show up in very inappropriate locations. Maybe inappropriate is the wrong word. I mean really, really bad content — the kind that, if viewed at work, could get you fired.

via 5 horrible ad placements that could have been avoided –

Aug 262011

Marketers know that the art of positioning a brand involves designing an image and or an offer to occupy a distinctive place in the mind of a specific target market. Great positioning doesn’t appeal to everyone — rather, it appeals more intensely to fewer people, but the right people — the main people you are targeting. To begin with, it is paramount to perform a self assessment of principles, values, strengths, weaknesses, ethics, and eccentricities that will establish who you are in the eyes of others.

via How to transform yourself into a brand –