Mar 042013


When it comes to keyword research, there are a number of great articles out there telling you where to look, what tools to use, and how to get started. Instead of focusing on the traditional tactics, I want to focus on some other ways businesses can identify and evaluate keywords using real customer data.

Internal site search

If you have an internal site search function, you’re potentially sitting on a wealth of keyword data. Visitors coming to your website or blog often use the site search function to find information on the company and its products, or to locate pieces of content they’ve read before.

The great thing about site search is it not only helps you discover keywords your customers are using, it can also help you identify navigational or content issues. If your customers are searching for something, it likely means they are having trouble finding what they are looking for. Does that content exist on the site? If so, you need to make it easier to locate. If it doesn’t, get cracking!

Google Analytics will track these internal searches for you. To enable site search, go to your profile settings and set to “Do Track Site Search.” If you need help identifying parameters, head over to the Google Analytics site for more information.

READ MORE:  3 fresh ways to look at keywords –




Jul 172012

What makes for a great post in social media? It’s the question that haunts community managers and marketing directors. First, the bad news. You know it. I know it. But I have to point it out: The most effective posts and updates are going to depend on your community. If you have good analytics reporting and pay attention to your fans, you’ll figure it out eventually. (More good info on this here.)

Now, for the good news: There are, in fact, a few magic bullets for Facebook and Twitter. The following discussion covers only Twitter and Facebook. The best research is available for these two platforms more than any others. So let’s take a look at some of the available data to find the buzzwords that ignite your social media followers.

The buzzwords: “Please” and “thank you”

Why they’re powerful

Didn’t your mother teach you anything? Sheesh. The exact same behavior that keeps everyone in the real word from thinking that you’re an asshole applies to the social media world too. Every time you post content for your fans, you are implicitly asking, “Take time from your day and look at this thing that I just posted.” You’re asking them to do something for you, so say “please.” And if they engage, say “thank you.”

MORE:  9 buzzwords that ignite followers (single page view) –


May 022012

Paid click campaigns are valuable traffic drivers, but they could be doing a lot more considering that half the time they don’t work. Research my company conducted indicates that non-branded paid clicks have a 55% bounce rate from their landing pages. Google Analytics and KISSmetrics reports put the range from 10% to 90% with new visitors bouncing 62.9% of the time from paid search clicks.

What these numbers indicate is that only about half of paid clicks actually drive conversion from new visitors they attract. That is the equivalent of throwing away $.55 of every marketing dollar. That’s not to say paid clicks aren’t a good idea, but rather that they can and should be more effective and efficient.

According to Conductor, an SEO platform, there’s an average online conversion rate of just 2.5% for visitors across all channels. Marketers need to invest in resources that maximize conversion from paid search traffic, often their largest digital line item. In paid search, there are two ways to bid: exact match or broad match.

The choice means most paid search marketers are forced to choose between scale and profitability, depending on how they bid. Exact match can offer profitability but lacks scale and it only wins if the query matches the exact keywords you chose. Broad match includes other content too, which is why it offers great scale, but it’s less profitable because it’s not as accurate.

SOURCE: Why Pay-Per-Click Ads Are Wasting Your Money.