Feb 132013

So far it ain’t so, but some form of DRM in HTML is becoming a more likely possibility every day.

The W3C’s HTML Working Group recently decided that a proposal to add DRM to HTML media elements — formally known as the Encrypted Media Extensions proposal — is indeed within its purview and the group will be working on it.

That doesn’t mean that the Encrypted Media Extensions proposal will become a standard as is, but it does up the chances that some sort of DRM system will make its way into HTML.

The Encrypted Media Extensions proposal — which is backed by the likes of Google, Microsoft, Netflix and dozens of other media giants — technically does not add DRM to HTML. Instead it defines a framework for bringing a DRM system, or “protected media content” as the current draft puts it, to the web.

MORE:  DRM for the Web? Say It Aint So | Webmonkey | Wired.com.




Feb 072013


Whether or not you are a gifted artist, theres a fun, free game on the interweb thats gonna make you feel like a seasoned professional. Its called Silk and you can make gorgeous little designs in an instant with vertical or four-way symmetry. Or, for you gutsy folks, no symmetry.

MORE:  Image of the Day: Take a break with this interactive art game | DVICE.