Aug 302012

Facebook page owners with more than 5,000 fans will soon have access to advanced post targeting options including age, gender, relationship status and education.Facebook began testing this last month, but only a small percentage of pages had access to the additional targeting parameters. Today some marketers received an update from Facebook saying that all pages over 5,000 Likes will get the option this week. Our own page showed the following prompt this afternooon:

MORE:  New page post targeting options coming to all Facebook pages over 5,000 Likes.


Aug 232012

Facebook today announced a new design and features for its messages product on the web. The two-paned layout and addition of keyboard commands makes the update similar to some email clients.

When users access messages from, they will see one column with recent messages and another column with an individual conversation. This should allow for faster browsing, similar to how users navigate messages in the Facebook for iPad app. Users can also search by a sender’s name or keyword at any point. In the previous layout, users could only search for names and keywords from the main inbox. When they opened a message, they could then search within that conversation.

MORE: Facebook updates messages layout to look and function more like email.


Apr 022012

Draw Something topped our list of growing applications by monthly active users this week, among a handful of other games. Timeline apps from Rotten Tomatoes, BranchOut, Tripadvisor, Yahoo and others gained a significant number of new users.

Titles on our list gained the most MAU of any apps on the platform, growing from between 600,000 and 5.1 million MAU, based on AppData, our data tracking service covering traffic growth for apps on Facebook.


via Draw Something, Rotten Tomatoes, Yahoo, TripAdvisor, Yelp, more on this week’s top 20 growing Facebook apps by MAU.