Sep 072011



Step zero: Read this guide, because we’re going to walk you through all the key details you need to know to both rid your computer of this junk and keep it free of downloaded problems forevermore.

via Maximum PC | Scrub Your PC Clean: Remove Malware in Four Easy Steps.

Sep 062011



Unpretentious and easy to approach, Codeacademy makes coding so enjoyable, it’s hard to believe you’re actually learning something. The website starts users off small, offering tutorials on how to use some very basic JavaScript commands. Each lesson is incrementally progressive and conversational in tone, making it easy to advance your skills without breaking a sweat. Each time you reach a new plateau of coding knowledge, users are awarded with a virtual trophy, making the time spent learning how to do something useful feel a like playing a game.

via Maximum PC | Cool Site of the Week: Codeacademy.

Sep 062011

Oh sure, gradients are all the rage — and rightly so — but there are some super-handy bits you may not have investigated thoroughly. Maybe they seem more utilitarian and don’t have the swagger of box-shadow and border-radius, but in this tutorial I intend to change your mind. One of my favourites is background-size. Let’s see what some of the possibilities are.

The background-size property does exactly what you would expect — it allows you to specify the size of a background image on both the X-axis (horizontally) and the Y-axis (vertically).

via Take advantage of the CSS background-size property | Tutorial | .net magazine.

Sep 012011



Explore the new CSS transforms features and create a 3D carousel that rotates from panel to panel. Paul Hayes takes you through the project and explains browser support and fallbacks along the way

via Build a rotating 3D carousel with CSS | Tutorial | .net magazine.

Aug 252011



We’ll first touch briefly on technology and jargon, then look at several different scenarios, and try to focus on what storage options might be appropriate and cost effective. But first, let’s talk tech. We’ll first briefly discuss hard drives, then take a quick look at SSDs.

via Maximum PC | How to Buy a Hard Drive: An Essential Guide.

Aug 252011

The word gradient has many different meanings, but in CSS, a gradient is strictly defined as a gradual transition between a range of (at least two) colours. CSS gradients are a fairly recent development but have already been through a number of changes. They were originally proposed by the WebKit team in April 2008, modified from the syntax proposed for the canvas element in HTML 5.

The W3C’s CSS Working Group later proposed a modified syntax, and this syntax is in the latest revisions of the Image Values Module. The first browser to implement this was Firefox 3.6, and the WebKit team weren’t far behind, so Safari 5.1 and above and recent versions of Chrome also use this syntax (The Book of CSS3 explains the old WebKit implementation fully).

via Master CSS gradients | Tutorial | .net magazine.

Aug 242011

Researchers at The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University just released a study that’s sure to ruffle a few feathers, and may freak out parents of Facebooking teens. What the study found is that teens who regularly hop onto Facebook, MySpace, or other social networking sites are much more likely to do things they shouldn’t be doing, like drinking alcohol and smoking pot.

Compared to teens that don’t spend any time on social networking sites, regular users are five times more likely to smoke or chew tobacco, three times as likely to drink alcohol, and twice as likely to use marijuana, according to the “National Survey of American Attitudes on Substance Abuse XVI: Teens and Parents.”

via Maximum PC | Study: Social Networking Teens More Likely to Smoke, Drink, Use Pot.

Aug 222011



I-Programmer first reported the introduction of free online courses at Stanford at the beginning of August, and since that time, over 100,000 prospective students have signed up. There’s even been a study group formed at reddit. Free courses include:

via Maximum PC | Study Computer Science Online at Stanford for Free.