Jul 092012

In a recent blog post, John Battelle writes, “Display advertising is dead. Or put more accurately, the world of ‘boxes and rectangles’ is dead. No one pays attention to banner ads, the reasoning goes, and the model never really worked in the first place (except for direct response). Brand marketers are demanding more for their money, and standard display is simply not delivering. After nearly 20 years, it’s time to bury the banner, and move on to…well something else.”

As a director of digital media at Rosetta, a focus of my role is on display and its role within our clients’ media mix, so reading John’s article raised some questions for me. If he’s right, and “display is dead,” what’s the next phase of digital marketing? I think the answer to that question depends largely on the advertiser’s business objective.

MORE:  Is display really dead? – iMediaConnection.com.


Apr 102012

Average Facebook ad clickthrough rates are highest on weekends and lowest on Monday, according to new research by TBG Digital.

Specifically, Saturday’s average CTR is 12 percent higher than average CTR on Monday. Advertisers can use this information to understand their own campaign performance and perhaps adjust their Facebook ad strategies.

Facebook ad clickthrough rate is closely tied to cost per click and cost per impression. Ads with higher CTR are generally served more frequently. When ads have lower CTR, advertisers typically have to increase their bid price to get the same number of impressions. Facebook advertisers who want to maximize the CTR of their ads might decide to shift campaigns to the weekend when the averages seem to be in their favor.


via Facebook ads have higher clickthrough rates on weekends, study finds.


Aug 232011

Although banner ads may be experiencing big growth this year, they’re not getting any more effective. The average click-though rate for banners fell in 2010, according to a survey by Google.

via Google: Click-Through Rates Fell in 2010 [STUDY].