Sep 062012

Recent finding by Nielsen on travel related app usage show that U.S. Android and iOS users spent 95 percent of their time accessing travel information from travel apps, versus only 5 percent from the mobile Web during JUne 2012.. This discrepancy was largely driven by Google Maps—the top Travel category app and mobile website during June—which accounted for 78 percent of all mobile time spent on Travel.

MORE:  Online Marketing Trends: Most Used travel Apps in US.


Oct 042011



We’ve seen WordPress do some amazing things, and almost every one of us has used Google Maps to explore the world around us. But Gabe Morton-Cook is taking these two elements and rolling them into one beautiful website, called Travelogic.

This project is intended to bring together three of my passions: Travel, Photography and Interactive Design/Development, as well as to be a method for sharing our travel stories with friends and family.

via This website is a beautiful mashup of WordPress, Google Maps and photography – The Next Web.