Apr 272012

 Mass market paperbacks may be taking a serious hit in sales these days, but check out this infographic showing the explosive growth in e books.

Online Marketing Trends: Digital E Books See 117% Increase..

Sep 232011



All your e-books are belong to us. That sums up Amazon’s Library Lending service pretty well. Get ready to borrow all the free e-books your Kindle (or Kindle app) can handle, because the service is live, as of today.

Going to the library is something of a trip, or adventure, depending on how you look at it. Our generation doesn’t go to library because we have the Internet and we read most of our books on e-readers or through e-book apps on tablets, smartphones and laptops.

Back in April, Amazon unveiled its plan to allow Kindle and Kindle apps to borrow books from libraries. The only downside was having to actually go to a physical library.

That’s no more. Borrowing an e-book from a local library requires only a visit to its website and a working library card.

via Borrowing Kindle e-books at over 11,000 libraries begins today | DVICE.