Aug 202012

Brands and their marketers would like to shift more budget to online video — really. They know perfectly well that consumers are there waiting. But online will never have the gravitas of TV advertising until one very important change takes place.

It’s not technology or inventory (or lack of it) that’s the problem. It’s not the sites or the screen size or the devices. And it’s certainly not measurability.

It’s how video is sold online. And until it changes, TV will rule.

Digital video, specifically in-stream, is marketed as a TV-like experience. Indeed, like TV, viewers must watch the entire ad to get to the desired content (although they rarely do in either medium). What’s fundamentally different, however, is the connection between the programming and the ad — the emotional or thematic link that captures a viewer in the right frame of mind for a specific product or idea. And it’s totally missing online.

MORE:  Why online video remains in TV’s shadow –